姓名:罗素云 职称:副教授
专业:汽车服务工程 学历层次:硕士研究生
办公室地点:8B341 办公电话:67791146
2018 ——:同济大学,在读博士,控制科学与工程;
1) 基本点火提前角的BP神经网络生成方法仿真和评价. 2006.7 汽车工程 核心 4/1
2) Measurement and Control System Development of Performance Research Test Bench for Diesel Engine Injector based on Labview. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, 143 AISCEI: 201213149101722/1
3) Phases PID Controller of Common-rail Pressure for Diesel Engine Electronic Injector Test Bench.PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), 2012,88(3B)SCI: 0003010038000043/1
4)Research of Neural Network Control on Ignition Spark Angle of Vehicle.Electronic- Control Gasoline Engine2011.1 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation EI: 201113138535263/1
5) Pedestrian detection of occlusion based on mutimarker method. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 3rd International conference on electronic information technology and computer engineering, 2019,10,2/2
6) Research on license plate location in different scenes.AIAM2019 FCPAE Europe forum & international conference on artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing, 2019,10,2/2
7) 基于Otsu阈值与形态学处理的车道线检测.农业装备与车辆工程,2019,10,2/2
8) Combining Color and Morphology Operations for Lane Detection.International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science,2016,8,2/2
9) Development and Study of Hardware in Loop Simulation.International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science,2016,3,2/2
10)The design of ESP simulation training platform control system based on Labview.Journal of communications and networking,2015,10,2/2
11)Outage probalility performance analysis of cognitive relay network under AF cooperation mode.Journal of communications and networking,2015,7,2/2
13)Measurement and Control System Development of Performance Research Test Bench for Diesel Engine Injector based on Labview.2011 International Conference on Pervasive, Embedded Computing and Communication (ICPECC 2011)2011,12,3/1
1)2009.01-2011.12 展成法大轮曲线齿锥齿轮齿面主动控制加工理论与技术研究,09ZZ191,15万 上海市教委 7/3
2)2008.3-2008.12 建设应用型创新人才的培养体系——汽车专业中美合作办学的探索与实践 金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城 教学成果一等奖 5/3
3)2009.11 《汽车电控技术》精品课程 金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城 校级精品课程 5/2
4)2010.05-2011.3 中国社会保有车辆排放水平现状和发展趋势分析及未来尾气以及二氧化碳排放标准的适用性研究 5万 上海汽车工业教育基金会 7/4
5)2012.01 一种油泵试验台的油量检测装置(授权),ZL 2011 2 0221902.X 实用新型授权 4/3
6)2011.07-2013.06 《汽车发动机电控技术》重点课程建设 5万 市教委 7/2
7)2010.07-2010.12 电控喷油器性能研究测试台测控系统软件开发15万企业委托4/1
8)2012.09-2015.06 舰船柴油机电控燃油喷射信息化系统的研发 60万 市科委 12/3
9)2012.04-2012.12 汽车运用工程专业工程实践教学体系探索 5万 市教委 12/2
10)2011.07-2013.06《汽车电器与电子技术》教材建设 2万 校级9/1
11)2011.06-2013.06中重型柴油机国IV排放关键技术的应用研究 80万 市科14/7
12)2012.01-2012.12车用蓄电池智能充电器及其管理系统开发25万 企业委托5/3
13)2019.10-2020.4无人车环境感知技术研究与实现 15万 企业委托 4/1